Understanding the DMPC (& How to Avoid Making Them)
Today, we talk about DMPCs - why they suck for players, make for bad memories for GMs, and more importantly, what leads to them and how they can be avoided. Check it!

Design Delve - Dealing with High AC in D&D 5e
In today’s Design Delve, we talk about how Gamemasters can deal with high-AC characters in D&D 5e. Check it out!

Design Delve - Dealing with High Passive Perception in D&D 5e
The way to navigate these kinds of characters is not by giving monsters better attack bonuses or increasing the DC of perception checks. You should lean into the niches your players define for their characters in way that enhances the table's experience. Today, I'm going to look at a few ways you can do just that.

GMs, Your Players Need to Respect You & Your Fun (Tools for Defining Player Principles, Setting Boundaries, & More)
As a gamemaster, having players that respect you and your fun is vital. In today’s blog, I talk a bit about what it means to have respectful players, and supply GMs with some tools to have a better experience.

Why GMing Is Unpopular (& How We Can Change That)
Why is GMing so unpopular? And what can the TTRPG community do about it? In this blog, I go over various topics to help players and GMs alike make running the game more accessible

Using Alignment in TTRPGs: System Savvy
Today, we’re talking about using alignment as a character building tool in TTRPGs - what works, what doesn’t, GMing tips, and more.